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Accueil > Actualités > « Cybersecurity Hacks Remind Law Firms to Secure Their Data », un article co-écrit par Me Benjamin Jacob

« Cybersecurity Hacks Remind Law Firms to Secure Their Data », un article co-écrit par Me Benjamin Jacob

In late December 2016, the United States Attorney’s office in Manhattan unsealed an indictment accusing three Chinese traders of hacking into two US-based global law firms to obtain insider information on mergers and acquisitions activity that they later exploited to gain more than US$ 4 million in illegal profits.

For lawyers and firms, it’s a chilling reminder of the challenges they face protecting not only their own data, but that of clients. And a potentially costly one: while the law firms that were victims of the hack have not been charged with wrongdoing, it may not be long before authorities around the world begin to stop treating law firms as “victims” of hacks and start considering them responsible parties who have not done enough to safeguard the confidential information of their clients. Not to mention the
impact on a firm’s reputation (and revenue stream) when they have to alert clients to the hack…

janv. 2017 –
