Roy Arakelian
Member of the Paris Bar
Member of the PDGB Management Committee
Mail : roy.arakelian@pdgb.com
Tel : +33 (0)1 44 05 21 21
Tel : +33 (0)1 44 05 21 21
- Holder of a DESS (post-graduate diploma) in Business Law from the University of Paris V Descartes.
- Holder of the certificate of aptitude for the legal profession (CAPA)
- French
- English
- Italian
- Armenian
- Turkish
- PhD in law: Author of a thesis on "The notion of control"
- Ranked in the "Excellent" category by Décideurs magazine in : Private equity - venture capital deals (Ranking 2023); Mergers & acquisitions - deals up to €75m (Ranking 2023)
- Ranked in the "Strong reputation" category by Décideurs magazine in : Private equity - expansion capital transactions (Ranking 2023); Private equity - lower mid & small cap LBO transactions (Ranking 2023)
- Ranked by Le Point magazine in the Company Law category (4 Stars)
- Recognised by Best Lawyers in Corporate Governance and Compliance Practice (2024) and Corporate Law (2025)
- Active member of France Invest: regularly leads Education sessions entitled "Private Equity: fundamentals, techniques and practices" and "Contractual practices of the capital investor".
- Author of books, articles or applications on Armenian history: Andrinople (Edirne) and its Armenian Community; The Armenian presence in Venice...